Saturday, January 29, 2011

Haven't You Ever Had A Bass Clarinet Thought?

When was the last time you looked at your instrument and had a thought consumed with hope for how well playing the horn would go that day?


  1. Hi I was hoping you could help me or at least point me in the right direction.
    I recently started playing bass clarinet in some of my college's concert bands and decided to get one to call my own. I ended up with a Selmer Bundy. I have no idea what the model is (I purchased it off eBay-it was cheap and I'm a broke college student). I was wondering if there was somewhere I could go to check the serial number to know a little be more about it. Thanks!

  2. You can check the serial numbers through a product rep at Conn-Selmer. Where I you I'd call their Elkhart number 574-522-1675 and ask around. They do have files on hand and they can also research instruments that may not have files that are complete.


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